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middle aged woman lying on the floor and giving herself an embrace

Looking for a new way to navigate tension and pain?

Hello Beating Heart,

I see you.

Having ongoing physical aches and pain can deplete you and make you think you are broken. I know because I've been there. 

When you have persistent pain or chronic symptoms, it can feel like being stuck alone in the dark, not knowing where the light switch is--searching for something or someone that can shine a light on what's behind the pain and make it disappear. 

There is a way out of the darkness.  

The switch is embedded within you.


Hi, I'm Alora, and I know a lot about persistent tension and mysterious pain. I have helped thousands of people with dysregulated nervous systems unlock their body's capacity to heal itself by decoding the mixed up messages exchanged between the body and mind. I have helped them to rekindle a caring connection and understanding for their bodies through a lens of curiosity and kindness. The secret to resolving long-term pain isn't by 'hacking your body' but rather, engaging your body in conversation--like you would a good friend. This is a very different approach to wellness for people who have problem-solved their body endlessly, and that's precisely why it works. 

When you befriend your body, you tap into your body's ability to heal.


Caterina Snyder, Brand Anthropologist and Radical Visibility Coach for Dynamic Divergents

"Prior to Alora, I'd worked with a wonderful life coach who first taught me to listen to my body as a best friend, but to be honest, I wasn't sure what that looked like in my daily life. Alora has the actual tools and methodology to dive into HOW to do that. I was beyond impressed and absolutely recommend Alora. It's incredibly powerful work she's doing and I'm so grateful that I got to experience it."

Meet Alora


Body Dialogue Practitioner

I created this work because I was so frustrated with my own body--even though I was doing all the right things, I was suffering from mysterious conditions that kept me from living the life I wanted (some days it kept me from leaving my bed). I needed to find another way--because nothing was working anymore. I had to stop looking outside to the 'experts' and start looking within. I taught myself how to get better and would love to share my wisdom with you.

I’m an intuitive listener, a creative collaborator, a truth-teller and skillful synthesizer. I blend my knowledge in applied neuroscience, pain science, functional movement and non-linear practice, to give you a unique experience that will help transform your relationship with your body.

a woman in a red super-hero suit dancing outside, her arms up and she looking down
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Listening to your body is like cleaning out your inbox

Everyday, our body sends us messages. Like emails, some go answered, but many do not. When we take the time to listen to the messages, we can respond to the body when we need to (and clear out the clutter along the way). 


However, if we let the unanswered messages pile up, it can feel overwhelming, we lose capacity for any new messages. Our inboxes fill up and we need to pay for extra storage--we pay with our bodies, we pay with our health. By that point, it can be hard to know what to do--often, what used to work doesn't work anymore.  

Don’t know where to start? That’s where I come in. My role is to help you partner with your body by practicing together, by carving out time and actually doing it. I can help you sort through the messages; WHAT to listen for, HOW to uncover the deeper MEANING behind the messages, and give you options for how to RESPOND.


Over time, you will develop a better relationship with your body and the HABIT of listening to it (so that it becomes second nature). Over time, you will develop more self trust and stronger intuition. Then you won't need me anymore.   

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